Sunday, January 30, 2005

Alternate Universes - The Other Sometimes Silent Blog

Well I've been experimenting with blog providers and have been keeping this one more up to date, so inquiring minds might want to surf over here.

The graphic layout is subject to change (I like the darkness here at blogger better, but I like the tools available with Wordpress such as the categories).

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue
Originally uploaded by sometimes silent e.
This picture was taken by my boyfriend during the drive out to one of the calls. A few rescues were made and folks evacuated. One lady was stranded on top of the park restrooms.

Monday, January 10, 2005

California Mudslide

This is near me:

My boyfriend is part of the Search and Rescue Team. I hope there aren't any more casualities :(

Sunday, January 09, 2005


I think I'll keep an eye on this one

Saturday, January 08, 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

I took this shot after having done the climb. The formation is called Locomotion Rock and is in Joshua Tree, California.

Sometimes Silent

Hello. I'm "e" also known as Sometimes Silent and a host of other names. I'm testing out this blog to decide which system to use: blogger, typepad, moveable type, live journal, wordpress, etc.

The blog I want to build is one which will tie in the various "me"s. I currently have a website set up for my rockclimbing interests for instance. And I also write for about the computer game industry. And then there is...

Well, you get the idea. I'm not quite sure how many folks will actually want to read about all of my interests in one place. I know they read about it in the seperate places but I'm going to try to bring myself back together.